By Anne Rice, Esquire on Friday, 30 July 2021
Category: Uncategorized

Helpful Resources Recognizing Long COVID as Disability

Through these new resources, the Department of Education, DOJ and HHS are highlighting that Long COVID is a recognized disability that gives rise to individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA) eligibility and may also be a disability under section 504 of the rehabilitation act and the Americans with Disabilities act.  

That means children, students of all ages, educators, and their families may be entitled to disability-related supports, services and accommodations under the law if they suffer from symptoms associated with long-term Covid.

When it comes to employment questions relating to Worker’s Compensation, rights to return to work, accommodation, denied disability benefits or transitions to retirement because of a serious injury or illness such as Long Covid, Rice Law Office, PLLC may be able to help as an advocate if that’s what’s needed. 

We work with employees across the state who have suffered from a serious injury or illness that impacts their ability to work, and we provide information, legal counsel and when necessary, litigation support to help disabled employees maximize their benefits and improve their recovery.

Given what we do, we’ve come to learn that, sometimes all people need is information to help form questions and clear the doubt. We want to help there too, so we try to provide information on topics important to our clients in the form of blogs, articles, and links to free resources.

In addition, here are a few links that provide FREE resources for information specific to your rights as a student, family member, educator or school employee as related to COVID-19, Long COVID, vaccinations, return to work and school, and other similar topics:

Links For Employees Specifically:

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) :

New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights (NHCHR):

New Hampshire Department of Justice (NHDOJ):

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):


Don’t forget to consult your union, look at your employment contract, employee manuals, and list of benefits (insurance, sick leave, FMLA etc), for information specific to your rights and obligations in your work setting! 

RESOURCES for Students, Educators, Employees and Families:

US Department of Education (USDOE):

In addition to the resource above, The Federal Department of Education has other resources addressing COVID-19 as it relates to schools’ reopening safely and equitably to ensure students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to learn. 

New Hampshire Department of Education (NHDOE):

The NH Disability Rights Center (NHDRC) :

NHDRC offers legal advice and representation for families and students whose disability rights have been denied.