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Top Three Tips for maximizing recovery in your personal injury case


Whether you plan to try to represent yourself or you’ve decided to work with a personal injury attorney to help you with your personal injury case, here are three things to keep in mind in order to ensure fair compensation for your injuries. 


#1. Preserve The evidence

The more you can do to preserve evidence, the greater the chance of winning your personal injury case and maximizing your recovery. Your claim for compensation will need to be backed up with credible evidence, including written documents, witness statements, medical records and photographs. Therefore, whatever you can do along the way to preserve these critical pieces of evidence, will help you to maximize your recovery of fair compensation for your injuries. 


Examples of evidence you can gather for your personal injury case:

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1412 Hits

New Hampshire Workers’ Rights in the time of COVID 19, Coronavirus


The implications of Covid 19, commonly referred to as Coronavirus, are unprecedented and far reaching. Undoubtedly, we are first and foremost concerned about the potential impact of this virus on the health of our community and more particularly upon those most vulnerable, but then there are the economic and practical implications of our wide spread social distancing policy. 


Fortunately we have health care experts to guide us through the medical considerations while individuals and families will decide how best to protect themselves and others when it comes to calculations of risk and exposure. 


From the law’s perspective, there is also guidance and protections available for those at risk and for those financially effected by the Covid 19/Coronavirus pandemic. 

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  1965 Hits
1965 Hits

100 million Americans have chronic pain. Very few use one of the best tools to treat it. (shared article)



Read this interesting article about the scientific studies involving chronic pain and the human brain.

Chronic pain often has no physical cause. Psychotherapy can reduce the suffering.

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2121 Hits

Personal Injury Blog Series - Part 1: What types of injuries might require a personal injury attorney’s help?

Personal Injury Blog Series - Part 1: What types of injuries might require a personal injury attorney’s help?

When you are injured, through no fault of your own, often times it’s the result of someone else’s negligence. Whether it be a car accident someone else caused, a dog bite from a loose dog, an accidental slip and fall on the grocery store’s wet floor or some other form of painful bodily injury; the fact is, you wouldn’t have been injured, if somebody else had been taking care of their responsibilities. 


If you are wondering whether or not you should seek a personal injury attorney, here are four great questions to ask yourself in the process:


  1. As a result of your injury, have you had to seek medical care? If the answer to this question is “yes”, then you should definitely consider the help of a personal injury attorney. Serious injuries usually result in huge medical bills and even if you’re lucky enough to have health insurance, you still have co pays and deductibles because of an injury someone else caused. The good news is the person who caused your injury may have liability, motor vehicle or home owner’s insurance which is intended to cover just this kind of loss and an attorney can help you with your claim.


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3771 Hits

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