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Rice Law Office Blog

This blog reviews important legal issues including: personal injury, employee compensation, workers compensation, discrimination and wrongful termination.



Now that you're ready to file your workers' compensation claim, here, in part three, we're going to share a few insider tips about how to start that process and what you should keep in mind along the way. 

First, here's what workers' compensation attorneys know, that you should know as you begin this process:

  • The Workers' Compensation insurance company that is handling your claim is a business whose purpose is to make money.
  • No matter how nice the insurance company representative (adjuster) seems, (and some really are!) you should not be fooled into thinking that they work for you or that the adjuster is your advocate. That's simply not the case.
  • The insurance company representative (adjuster) works for the insurance company and his or her job is to limit the amount of money that their employer pays you as a result of this claim.
  • The more serious your injury, the more of threat you are to their profit goals.

Second, don't worry, you got this. Knowing who plays for which team is half the battle, and for the second half, here are four things you can do to even the odds when you file your workers' compensation insurance claim:

  • Be sure to promptly report your injury
  • Take care to document your injury by completely and accurately filling out a First Report of Injury form.
  • Be sure all your doctors know this is a work injury and that they fill out the paperwork to make that clear.
  • Don't rely on the insurer or your employer to gather information to support your claim. Instead, do what you can to find and document the evidence you may need to prove you were hurt at work.

Third, there is actually a Fifth thing you can do to even the odds and that's to work with an attorney and don't worry, you can afford it. Here's how:

  • Some claims can be handled on your own, but where the injury is serious and the stakes are high, you may want to get some help to be sure you can protect yourself and your family.
  • Most workers' compensation attorneys offer Free Consultations, with no commitment.
  • After that, if you do decide to hire an attorney, ask about a Contingency Fee Agreement, where you would not have to pay any money up front and the attorney gets paid a percentage of what they recover for you in back wages, permanent impairment or if you settle your case.

Workers' compensation insurance is your right and the best way to protect you and your family if you get hurt at work.  Learn more at www.ricelaw-office.com. 

Learn more about 5 important things to do when you get hurt at work in Part One and Part Two of our five part workers' compensation blog series. Or visit https://ricelaw-office.com/blog/categories/workers-compensation to view a complete list of workers' compensation resources for New Hampshire workers. 

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