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Rice Law Office Blog

This blog reviews important legal issues including: personal injury, employee compensation, workers compensation, discrimination and wrongful termination.



Maintaining good health is critical, especially in light of the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak, but it can be difficult to stay well and stay supplied with all you need when you are in isolation. New Hampshire Disability Rights Center DRCNH, offered the following information, tips and links to address some of your questions and challenges. Below is a summary of the New Hampshire DRCNH resources and available information.

If you have a physical or mental disability or someone in your family has a disability and you need help finding answers and resources, you may want to contact the DRCNH or go to their website to find out more and to ask questions. https://drcnh.org/


90-Day Supplies

NH Healthy Families, Well Sense, and Medicaid Fee-for-Service all offer a 90-day supply of "maintenance" medications when purchased through their mail order pharmacies.  “Maintenance” medications are medications taken on a daily basis to control chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol, and many other chronic conditions. AmeriHealth does not currently have this option but is working on it.

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  2098 Hits
2098 Hits

In Memoriam of Sophia, A Good Dog

Red Heart Emoji (U+2764, U+FE0F)




November 2005-March 2020

On Saturday, 3/28/20 we lost our dear office dog of 14 years, Sophia. She opened RLO with me and set the tone for the kind of office and practice I hoped to build; inclusive, kind, supportive and sincere without pretense. I decided she deserved a place on our website as she certainly had one in our hearts.

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1474 Hits

The Seven Terms Workers Should Know Before Applying for NHRS Disability Retirement

Part 3: The Seven Terms Workers Should Know Before Applying for NHRS Disability Retirement 

In case you missed Part 1, follow this link to read Part 1: Important Retirement and Disability Benefits for Injured and Ill Workers 

In case you missed Part 2, follow this link to read Part 2: New Hampshire Disability and Retirement Benefits You May Have Overlooked

The following is a list of retirement terms. If you are an employee covered under the New Hampshire Retirement System (NHRS) and you have become disabled due to a serious illness or injury, whether it is work related or not, here are seven important terms you will want to know before you begin to consider or calculate your available retirement and disability benefits.

Members become vested for retirement benefits upon the earlier of: (1) completion of 10 years of NHRS credible service; or (2) On or after attainment of the NHRS normal retirement age while in service, regardless of years of credit of all service.

This is not the same as “termination” or the last day of employment. In order to begin collecting a lifetime pension, members must file a retirement application with NHRS and meet certain deadlines.

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1402 Hits

New Hampshire Disability and Retirement Benefits You May Have Overlooked

Part 2: New Hampshire Disability and Retirement Benefits You May Have Overlooked

In case you missed Part 1, follow this link to read Part 1: Important Retirement and Disability Benefits for Injured and Ill Workers 

The New Hampshire Retirement System (NHRS) offers calculation tools that can be utilized once an employee determines their category and eligibility for benefits. These tools are fantastic for retirement and “emergency” planning. We all know the best time to plan for an accident, injury or disability is before it occurs, when we are healthy and in a position to make changes as necessary. However this is also the time when we least want to think about the possibility of something going wrong.

The tools provided by NHRS are not just useful in cases of accident, injury or disability, they are critical for retirement planning and that’s something all of us can look forward to. You can go to https://www.nhrs.org and sign up for My Account to calculate your available benefits based on years of service, income and date of expected retirement.

Depending on your circumstances, NHRS disability retirement benefits may be combined with other disability benefits such as social security disability, union retirement benefits, workers’ compensation and short or long term disability insurance. There are time limits that you will need to follow and while some benefits can be combined, some create an “election,” meaning by choosing one benefit you might limit your right to use another benefit. Therefore if you are seriously injured or ill and think you might be eligible for NHRS benefits, you should consult an attorney to see what other benefits you might be entitled to receive as well. By carefully considering your unique circumstances, your attorney can help you maximize your benefits to help replace your lost wages, pay medical bills, secure longevity and other important earned benefits such as health insurance.

At Rice Law Office PLLC (as many other employment law firms), we offer FREE phone evaluations for workers and employees who are seriously ill or injured and may face lost wages, lost time from work and medical bills as a result. We are happy to help you assess what benefits you might have available so you can focus on recovery and taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Give us a call at 603-528-5299.

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1183 Hits

Don’t Miss Out On Important Retirement and Disability Benefits for Injured and Ill Workers

Part 1: Important Retirement and Disability Benefits for Injured and Ill Workers

NHRS benefits have been changed and amended over the years. Therefore, benefits and eligibility will vary (In some cases significantly) depending upon an employee’s hire date, service date, and date of vesting.

NHRS provides helpful information that guides employees through these changes so that they can better plan and estimate their available benefits. However, you need to know where to look.

Below are links to the summaries of available benefits for Group I employees (Employee and Teacher) and for Group II employees (Police and Fire) based upon service date, vesting date, and hire date. The best time to review this information is before you need it. These benefits are critical not just at the time of retirement, but in case of disability. Therefore it’s a good idea to review this information to determine which category you fit into based upon your hire, service, and vesting dates.

Group Information for Group I Employees:
Group I (Employee and Teacher) Member vested prior to January 1, 2012
NHRS (emp and teacher) member vested prior to 1-1-2012 pdf

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  1890 Hits
1890 Hits

2020 BREAKING NEWS: What We Know (and What We Don’t Know) About the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

The wage and hour Division of the federal DOL held a town meeting today to address the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), and we were able to attend remotely. While many questions remain, what is clear is that there are still more questions than answers at this point.

We are sharing what we learned today and what we have gathered from other coordinating sources, but we do so with the limitation and clear notice that this is not to be considered legal advice and our colleagues should not rely upon this summary in order to provide legal advice.

This is a summary of the new provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which is itself, a work in progress, at least with respect to how it will be interpreted and implemented. We are limited by limited information and yet, as this is such an urgent and important issue, we are sharing what we know, or think we know so far.

For the most accurate information we recommend you refer to the bill itself (H.R. 6201) and that you keep checking for the regulations and model notice from the DOL and the Treasury site (as to the applicable guidance for tax and credit issues).

The presentation today, 3/20/2020, focused on two provisions of the law: Emergency Medical Leave Exemptions Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave. The information provided was very general, the “connectivity” for the remote access was less than optimal, many of us had problems accessing the written materials, and in the end there were far more questions than answers.
What the presentation made clear is how little anyone knows about how this law might be implemented.

• We are told the effective date is 15 days after enactment (3/18/2020),
• By my count that makes the effective date April 2nd.
• The legislation “sunsets” as of 12/31/2020.
• Regulations are pending, but not ready
• The DOL hopes to have a model notice for the required Employer posting requirement in 7 days
• The Legislation generally applies to employers with fewer than 500 employees
• Employers of health care providers and of first responders are excluded
• Employers with fewer than 50 employees may be eligible for an exemptions where compliance would jeopardize the business as a going concern
• There are limitations to right to reinstatement for employers with fewer than 25 employees
• The law provides an extension to the FMLA to eligible employees working for covered employers, that would provide up to 12 weeks of leave for emergency related circumstances including the employees own illness and the need to care for others- as defined by the law
• The legislation provides wage replacement benefits under certain circumstances and in varying amounts as detailed, protection against discrimination and against termination and discipline. There are also certain rights to reinstatement.
• employers pay the wage replacement benefits in the first instance and will be eligible for repayment from the government in ways to be articulated, but likely to include tax credits.

The government is working diligently to issue regulations, but not surprisingly, they are not yet available. Indeed, the vast majority of the time spent at this town meeting was focused on receiving questions from participants. The Department of Labor representatives did not, and in fairness, probably could not, answer any of the questions posed. This was simply an effort to offer preliminary guidance in the most general of terms. It was as much an opportunity to raise questions and concerns, which will presumably be passed on to those issuing regulations at the various agencies.

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A Message to Our Clients, Friends and Colleagues

To our clients, friends and colleagues,
We are working hard to stay up to date on the fast changing laws and issues impacting workers in the setting of the Coronavirus so we can share what we learn with you. To that end, we have included another valuable link for information:

Go here https://www.dol.gov/coronavirus for the Federal Department of Labor resources page for Coronavirus Resources for Employees and Employers.

Go here for information on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) https://www.natlawreview.com/article/senate-passes-families-first-coronavirus-response-act-what-employers-need-to-know

Stay well.
Rice Law Office, PLLC

  1172 Hits
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Links RE: COVID-19 to Help You Navigate Services and Benefits

Follow this link for important information regarding services and benefits related to COVID-19


Go here https://www.dol.gov/coronavirus for the Federal Department of Labor resources page for Coronavirus Resources for Employees and Employers.


Follow this link for important information regarding H.R. 6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response Act

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  1297 Hits
1297 Hits

Notices from the NH Department of Labor Relating to COVID-19


Update from the NH Department of Labor: Effective immediately, all hearings will either be conducted telephonically or continued. There will be no in-person first-level hearings (workers’ compensation or wage claims) conducted at the Department. The above policy will be revisited after four (4) weeks.

Update from the NH Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board:
Please be advised that, effective March 23, 2020, all Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (CAB) hearings and pre-hearings will either be conducted telephonically or continued. There will be no in-person CAB hearings or prehearings conducted at the Department for the next four weeks, following which this policy will be reviewed.


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1267 Hits

Event: June 11, 2020 - New Hampshire Association for Justice (NHAJ) - “Workplace Wrongs and the Claims They Spawn”

The New Hampshire Association for Justice (NHAJ) is presenting a seminar on “Workplace Wrongs and the Claims They Spawn”,  on June 11, 2020, at the Puritan Conference Center in Manchester, NH. 


New Hampshire Attorney, Anne Rice is honored to join her colleagues at this gathering and will present information regarding the latest developments in “Workplace Issues Involving Medical Marijuana“. This session will review the changes concerning medical marijuana in the workplace and New Hampshire law.


Medical marijuana is now legal in New Hampshire and as of 2017 New Hampshire has decriminalized marijuana use for first or second offense possession of under 3/4 of an ounce. 

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  1410 Hits
1410 Hits

Event: March 25, 2020 - New Hampshire Bar Association CLE Seminar “Workers’ Compensation”

Attorney Rice will be joining many of her esteemed colleagues from the New Hampshire Bar Association on March 25, 2020 to present at the Worker’s Compensation seminar to be held at the New Hampshire Bar Association in Concord, NH.


Attorney Rice will be speaking on the developing law regarding subpoenas and discovery in Worker’s Compensation cases and will also present information regarding the impact of employment issues on Worker’s Compensation claims including how employers and employees may be affected by New Hampshire’s changing laws regarding recreational and medical marijuana in the workplace.”



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1308 Hits

New Hampshire Workers’ Rights in the time of COVID 19, Coronavirus


The implications of Covid 19, commonly referred to as Coronavirus, are unprecedented and far reaching. Undoubtedly, we are first and foremost concerned about the potential impact of this virus on the health of our community and more particularly upon those most vulnerable, but then there are the economic and practical implications of our wide spread social distancing policy. 


Fortunately we have health care experts to guide us through the medical considerations while individuals and families will decide how best to protect themselves and others when it comes to calculations of risk and exposure. 


From the law’s perspective, there is also guidance and protections available for those at risk and for those financially effected by the Covid 19/Coronavirus pandemic. 

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  1902 Hits
1902 Hits

New Temporary Meeting Policies - COVID 19 updates

Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Clients,

With a careful eye on the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and the evolving recommendations regarding “social distancing,” we at Rice Law Office are taking steps to ensure continuing service and accessibility while limiting in-person contacts.


We have been hard at work with our technology team establishing greater opportunities for connectivity, web meetings, remote document sharing and ways to connect with our clients and those we work with regularly in a way that limits in-person interaction.  The plan is to do this while simultaneously limiting disruption as much as possible. That said, we do anticipate changes to the way we normally do things and we ask for your patience and suggestions if you have them!


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3100 Hits

Event: March 13, 2020 - Worker's Compensation and the New Hampshire Retirement System


March 13, 2020 - Worker's Compensation and the New Hampshire Retirement System


Anne is looking forward to presenting to the Commission regarding options, elections and coordination of benefits for injured state employees under Workers’ Compensation and the New Hampshire Retirement System.

The meeting which will be held in the legislative office building is open to the public and following a short presentation there will be an opportunity for Q&A.

Attorney Rice will discuss the options and benefits available for injured state employees seeking accidental disability retirement benefits in coordination with their available protections and rights under Worker’s Compensation. 

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1452 Hits

100 million Americans have chronic pain. Very few use one of the best tools to treat it. (shared article)



Read this interesting article about the scientific studies involving chronic pain and the human brain.

Chronic pain often has no physical cause. Psychotherapy can reduce the suffering.

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2072 Hits




You may be receiving an increase in your social security benefits as of 2019.


Each year social security announces the annual cost of living adjustment (COLA). Some years there is no increase, but usually there is an increase in the SSI benefit amount people receive . This is because the law requires that the federal benefit rates increase when the cost of living rises, as measured by the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers.

In general, this index rises when prices increase for the things the average consumer buys. This helps beneficiaries keep up with the changing cost of living. We all know prices have been rising and its harder and harder to keep up so the good news is, there will be a COLA for 2019.

Due to the rising index and cost of living, this year, in 2019, many Americans will see their social security and SSI benefits increase by 2.8%.  Every little bit counts.

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  2138 Hits
2138 Hits

The Number One Tip to Maximizing Benefits Pending Injury Litigation



Serious injury that results in disability, or may result in disability, should trigger an early and thorough analysis of the client’s rights and obligations with respect to employment and other disability benefits.


All too often, seriously injured clients face bankruptcy, eviction, and worse, during the pendency of their PI case and this kind of harm and resulting desperation isn’t necessary. There is much that can be done to protect our client’s continued employment, or at least to tide them over with continuation of benefits and/or wage replacement. Finding these supports is not only a huge added value that injury and workers compensation attorneys can provide to their clients, but it also improves the outcome of the client’s case.


Your documentation can help reduce the stress of lost work and benefits

Clients who are not under the stress of potential job loss and financial ruin are better able to hold on for the right outcome. More, they are less likely to suffer anxiety and depression and more able to assist in their litigation with calm and credible presentation. In addition, the ability to document a client’s injuries in their medical records is a critical component to success. All too often we hear that injuries and symptoms that don’t appear in a doctor’s record are assumed not to exist. Unfortunately, this kind of documentation requires access to care and insurance and a person who is injured, out of work and just scraping by, may not have the money to keep their insurance going or to pay out of pocket for expensive medical appointments. All too often, injured people wait to get treatment because they can’t afford it.  Its understandable, but putting off medical care can not only weaken the legal case, but more important, it can result in longer periods of disability and tremendous stress on clients and their families. The longer the period of time out of work, the longer the client goes without money or benefits and the cycle continues.

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  2025 Hits
2025 Hits

Worker's Compensation Benefits in New Hampshire FOR EMPLOYEES INJURED WHILE WORKING OUT OF STATE




Even if an employee is injured while working outside the geographic boundaries of the state of New Hampshire, he or she still may be eligible to receive Worker's Compensation benefits under our laws. 

An injured employee is entitled to Worker's Compensation benefits even if the injury takes place outside of New Hampshire If the employee can show that he or she would've been entitled to Worker's Compensation benefits had the injury taken place in this state AND that the following is true:

1)The employer is engaged in business in this state;

2) The contract of employment was made in this state; and

3) The contract of employment was not expressly for services exclusively outside of the state of New Hampshire.

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  3042 Hits
3042 Hits

Injuries Incurred Due To Intoxication On The Job: Out of Luck, Right? Maybe Not!

As we have addressed in our other Blogs about work place injury, Worker's Compensation insurance in New Hampshire covers nearly every injury suffered by employees as long as the injury is suffered during and in the course of employment.  However, we have also told you there are exceptions. 

Among the exceptions to coverage are for example, instances in which an injury is caused in whole or in part by the employee’s intoxication.  In such cases, the law says an employer and it's insurance company is NOT liable for that injury even if it occurred in and during the course of work.

However, as it turns out, the conversation doesn’t end there.  There is an exception to the exception!

Here's The Twist:

The intoxication exception does not apply if the employer knew that the employee was intoxicated. That’s right, if the employer knows about the intoxication and the employee gets injured at work, there still might be coverage under worker’s compensation.

At first it might seem hard to imagine how this could occur, but upon further consideration, a few circumstances might come to mind...

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  2454 Hits
2454 Hits

Three things you might not know about workers’ compensation benefits in New Hampshire

1) The first three days of an injury might go unpaid

Did you know that even if an injured employee's claim was accepted by the workers' compensation insurance carrier, the employee is not entitled to be paid any compensation for lost wages for the first three days of disability unless the disability continues for 14 days or longer? 

It's true. The first three days of disability go unpaid unless the employee's injury lasts for 14 days or more. This means that employees may need to make use of sick leave to supplement workers' compensation for injuries that don't result in prolonged time out of work.


2) Compensation rates can vary by profession

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4029 Hits

      National Employment Lawyers Association       

